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Healthy Body, Healthy Mind, Happy Life

At our school, we prioritize the health and well-being of every student. We promote healthy habits through regular physical activity, balanced nutrition, and wellness programs.

Our school provides access to health resources, including trained staff who can address medical concerns, and we ensure a clean and safe environment to support the physical and mental health of our students.

By fostering a culture of health awareness, we aim to help students thrive both in and out of the classroom.

Health and Safety Policy

Policy Aim:

To create a safe and healthy environment for everyone in the school, including staff, students, volunteers, and others involved in school activities so that they can perform their roles effectively and without risk of injury or illness.


Policy Statement:

TIA acknowledges its responsibility to provide a safe and healthy workplace and learning environments for all those affected by its activities. This includes ensuring that buildings, grounds, equipment, and educational activities meet appropriate health and safety standards.


The school will:

  • Ensure that buildings, grounds, plants, and equipment meet health and safety standards.

  • Provide health and safety training to ensure competence and awareness.

  • Communicate information on sensible risk management and safe working practices.

  • Encourage and support students to prioritize their safety and that of others.

  • Require staff to observe safe working methods and exercise due care and attention.

  • Assess hazards and associated risks and implement preventive and protective control measures.

  • Monitor the effectiveness of these measures and enforce proper working practices.

  • Include health and safety requirements in contract conditions, enforced by the governing body and senior leadership team.

  • Provide information, instruction, training, and protective equipment to staff.

  • Review risk assessments, policies, procedures, and practices regularly and after incidents.


TIA expects all staff, the management team, and relevant persons in the school to understand and act upon this policy statement and its implications.


Campus Manager Responsibilities:

  • Visibly support the safety of the children and ensure that all employees are aware of and accountable for their specific health and safety responsibilities and duties.

  • Implement health and safety policies, procedures, action plans, and risk management programs as an integral part of business, operational planning, and service delivery.

  • Act as a responsible person within the school campus.

  • Support accident and incident investigations, review reports and statistics and utilize information on trends and hot spots.

  • Monitor and ensure the provision of adequate resources to achieve compliance.

  • Ensure that the school has access to competent health and safety advice.

  • Senior Leadership Team Responsibilities:

  • Ensure that all necessary health and safety activities, requirements, and standards are met within their respective areas of control under the direction of the campus manager.

  • Identify hazards, initiate risk assessments, record the significant findings, and implement necessary control measures.

  • Check and document that the working environment is safe, that equipment, products, and materials are used safely, that health and safety procedures are effective and complied with, and that any necessary remedial action is taken.

  • Inform, instruct, train, supervise, and communicate with employees; provide them with necessary equipment, materials, and clothing to enable them to work safely.

  • Complete the health and safety induction checklist for all new employees at the commencement of their employment.

  • Report all accidents, incidents, and near-miss events. Investigate the cause and take appropriate remedial action to prevent a recurrence.

  • Employee Responsibilities:

  • Comply with the school’s health and safety policy and any associated arrangements.

  • Take reasonable care for their own health and safety at work and of those who may be affected by their actions or omissions.

  • Cooperate with their line manager and the senior management team to work safely and comply with health and safety instructions. Undertake appropriate health and safety training if required.

  • Not intentionally or recklessly interfere with, or misuse anything provided in the interests of health, safety, and welfare.


Please remember the following instructions:

For Staff:

  1. Report any health and safety concerns, hazardous conditions, or defects in the health and safety arrangements to your manager.

  2. Help promote a positive safety culture within the school that applies to all students and visitors.

  3. Be aware of the location of known or presumed asbestos within the school and familiarize yourself with the school’s asbestos management plan, which is held by the campus manager.


For Students:

  1. Behave to the school’s behavior policy.

  2. Take reasonable care for your health and safety as well as that of your peers, teachers, support staff, and any other pupils at school.

  3. Cooperate with teaching and support staff to follow all health and safety instructions given.

  4. Refrain from intentionally or recklessly interfering with, or misusing anything provided in the interests of health, safety, and welfare.

  5. Report any health and safety concerns to a teacher or a member of the school staff.

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Address: #25 Samdach Hun Sen Boulevard, Sangkat Chak Angrae Krom, Khan MeanChey, Cambodia 120602

Contact us at: (+855) 23 223 222 / (+855) 23 211 222



Monday- Friday: 07:30 am to 05:30 pm
Saturday: 08:00 am to 12:00 pm


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